
Manufactures assay systems from human and animal biological materials for the industrial and academic research

Biopredic International is a biotechnology company founded in 1993. We manufacture assay systems from human and animal biological materials for Drugs, Cosmetics and Chemicals development and testing.

What Biopredic offers you

With each product, we transfer to you our know-how and expertise so we guide you through each step with our premium services.

  • Liver assay systems

  • Skin assay systems

    • Fresh and frozen skin sheets and discs
    • Skin cells
    • Skin microsomes, cytosolic and S9 fractions
    • Cell culture reagents

  • Blood assay systems

    Human and animal

    • Whole blood

    • Plasma

    • Serum
    • Blood cells such as PBMCs

  • Other assay systems

    Human and animal tissues, cells, subcellular fractions and culture reagents

    • Renal
    • Pulmonary
    • Instestinal

What is good to know

  • 400 Products distributed worldwide
  • 4 Production sites: France (Rennes, Paris), USA, India
  • Unique Worldwide licensee of HepaRG™
  • +40 Served countries

Our Pledges

Biopredic is committed to supplying high quality biologicals.

  1. One stop shop

    We design sets of solutions to meet your needs.
  2. Performance

    We guarantee the adequate level of performance for your successful experiments.
  3. Safety

    We perform product microbiology testing for the safety of your staff.
  4. Regulatory compliance

    We comply with International and National laws in matter of acquisition, handling, sales and shipment of biological products for research.
  5. Assistance

    We guide you at each step before and after sale.

Biopredic in India

In 2019, Biopredic launched a Joint Venture with Advancells, a technology company specializing in stem cells and cell therapy.

The Biopredic Advancells JV distributes biological assay sytems to industrial and academic users regionally and is actively developing new cell therapy approaches.